Rank 4

The piccolos reside in Rank 4. Thought their instruments are small the piccolos can hit the highest notes in the band! There's a lot of love and support to go around in the piccolo section. They are always down for outstanding halloween costumes and memorable psyche nights. They also enjoy playing the solo in “You Can Call Me Al” like no one else can!

Jake Montgomery,Will Dwyer,Niasha Gwin,Maya Hahn,Renata Bravo,Jing Yan,Maggie Marshaleck,Abigail Riley

Jake Montgomery

Jake is from the class of '25. He is majoring in Environmental Engineering with a minor in Environmental Studies. Jake is originally from Pottsville, PA. He is also a part of The Gryphon Society, Kappa Kappa Psi, and Spectrum! When asked why he joined the Marching 97 he said “Because I march, duh!” Jake's favorite part of the Marching 97 is midweeks and the psyche run! His favorite memory of the Marching 97 is the friends I made along the way! A fun fact about Jake is that he has boosted status on his Dunkin Rewards account.